Monday, April 03, 2006

Texas Rangers Home Opener

What a wonderful day today is. It is the official start of baseball for me. What makes it even better? It is a day game. It is supposed to be sunny and in the 80's, so it is a perfect day for a little baseball.

Ahh, a few cold beers, sunshine, maybe a hooker or two? Nah, probably not the hooker part.

I should be working all day, but I will make up for it later. There is only one home opener and it is today. In about three hours, I will be thoroughly enjoying my day. I should be happy for at least a day. After that we will see.

In a few days, the Tigers are in town. Hopefully they are steadily progressing as a team. I didn't really keep up with them over the off-season and this spring. I don't think they made any major moves though. We will see, it is a very long season.

Hope everyone out there is enjoying their Monday.

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