Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I was a member of the Burger King Kids Club

Oh crap.

Iran is inching closer to nuclear proliferation. NU-CLE-AR.


But EK why is this so bad?

Well, because the weapons are nuclear and the country in question is Iran. Iran hates us, and we are not too fond of them. At this point a Cold War would be preferable to the worst case scenario.


Yeah, we are all going to die.

Reuters reports that our President has dismissed reports of a military strike against Iran as "wild speculation."

"Wild," of course, coming from the Greek word for, "we're going to," and "speculation," from the Latin for, "blow them up first."

Oh crap.

1 comment:

JC said...

Proliferation. The key is in the word. Pro Life -eration.

Given Iran's track record, there is no reason to believe that their newly founded nuclear capabilities will be used in any manner other than a peaceful one, as an energy source.
