Friday, April 14, 2006

Good Friday

It is Good Friday again. This year is different though. This is the kind of day that becomes ruined by past successes on this day.

Last year, we created and implemented one of the best ideas and plans for a day. It was A Good Friday for Drinking. Sure, you say, every Friday can be a good Friday for drinking. Yes, it can, but this was special.

Literally a whole day of drinking, starting with a noon time beer and beer and beer. Management at this particular establishment asked us if we were coming back for the game that evening. We informed management that we were there for the game. I think we got an odd look. Maybe it was a misunderstanding, or maybe we were crazy.

The second best MSU basketball game of our time was going to be played in about 7 hours. We were well on our way, with excellent seats in front of the tele.

The beers kept flowing, and jukebox domination took place. After the lunchtime crowd sifted out, the place was ours. For a few hours, it was slow, but then the rest of the MSU community began to catch on. Chris, Dan, Andy, Jeni, Emily, Brooke, and Rachelle were the core of the group. If I forgot you, I apologize. It is understandible though.

The shots started. Then more beer. There was probably a pitcher or two of margaritas or daquaris. Then more shots. Then more beers.

Game time was approaching. I didn't honestly think we would all make it and be coherent enough to get into the game. Boy, was I wrong. Everyone got into the game. The atmosphere was electric, like we were actually at the game, if the game was at Breslin, and if Breslin was a bar.

To make a really long story just long story, MSU beat Duke in the Sweet 16, 78-68. The celebrations were underway all day. It was inevitable that something great was going to happen. MSU did not disappoint. After the game, everyone was loving it. It felt just as good as the 2000 championship. I jumped on top of a chair, probably screaming like an idiot. I got scolded by management and tucked my tail between my legs. For a moment, I was a broken man. I got over it quickly.

Now, Good Friday has Catholic implications. It is the supposed day of Jesus' death. Last Good Friday, Jesus died and Duke died.

This year poses a different situation. On one hand, I would like to keep the legacy
alive. A Good Friday For Drinking was a fantastic brain child of AZ and JC (I think-again, if I am wrong, I apologize, although it is understandible). This year, it falls later so the NCAA Tourney is long gone. I am 1200 miles away the original site of that spectacle. I wanted to make a surprise pilgrimage to Michigan in honor of good times. It didn't make sense to spend all of that money when I am going to have to spend $6,000 in gas money next month when I drive up.

Out of respect for the day, I am not going to drink a drop of alcohol today. Ok, maybe it is not out of respecy, but more the fact that I destroyed my body on Wednesday night. You say potato, I say potata. Or, I say potato, I say potata. Whatever.

I thought this was going to have a point. It does not, other than the fact that I made about 10 people waste 3 minutes of their day and life by reading this garbage. The joke is on you. Regardless, enjoy your Good Friday. Hopefully, you at least get the day off of work.


Anonymous said...

Good Friday for Drinking is a national holiday in my view. The inaugural celebration was monumental and it was immediately decided that it must occur yearly. This year has a different set up, but I will pour out a 40oz in remembrance of this holiday.


JC said...

I agree my man. It is a national holiday. I don't think people around here would understand. I was going to stay in, but I am thinking that a small obligatory celebration is in order.

Anonymous said...

that was a real good first half of basketball. good day all around. i think i ended up breaking into dan's dorm, maybe not. -c

JC said...

Details. Those are all details. I couldn't begin to put together all of the pieces even today.

Anonymous said...

All I can remember is booze. Lots of it. Maybe Chris did break into my dorm. I don't remember anything but drinking and basically taking over the bar with our awesomeness/drunkeness. Monroe bar events seem to usually end up like that. Thanksgiving Eve comes to mind.


JC said...

I have missed the last two Thanksgiving Eves. I vow to be there in full power this year. I am not going to drive though. So, I will bring a sleeping bag and sleep on the street.