Sunday, April 02, 2006

Next Time Gadget

AZ -

In the end I couldn’t go through with it.

Almost every year I try to play an April Fool’s joke on my dad. His birthday is on April Fool’s day and it’s always fun to try to get him believing a completely absurd story.

However, most of my jokes are very practical, i.e., the joke about a car accident I caused. That could happen and unfortunately has happened…twice

This year I went to a new extreme. I was discussing my April Fool’s joke history with Dustin and he thought a great joke would be to tell him I was getting sued. Then after a little brainstorming he said he would have his brother, a lawyer, type a fake lawsuit I could show my dad to add to the depth of the joke.

His brother typed an amazing fake lawsuit. It was hard to keep a straight face with the story so I figured I would practice on Emily and Brooke to see if I could do it. Apparently I could. Emily and Brooke were visibly upset by the fake news and when I told them it was a joke, they were more than a little pissed at me.

Emily said I couldn’t play this joke on our dad because he would have a heart attack. I began to believe she was right and I debated for a couple days if I could go through with it.

But alas, I didn’t. Otto escaped my joke this year. He thought the joke was hilarious, but also admitted he would have killed me if it was true. I guess it was better for both of us. I wouldn’t want my dad going to prison for killing me over a silly April Fool’s joke.

Next year I may not go to that extreme, but I will get him. I’ll find him.

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