Sunday, April 02, 2006

Comments and Suggestions

AZ –

Recently suggestions were given on how the newly created and highly innovative Blog Alliance could be improved. Among these ideas was including the author of the post at the beginning of the blog so whoever was reading it knew who had written it. Thus, AZ at the top of this post.

It’s a good suggestion. Like always I strive for perfection, so comments are always welcomed and encouraged.

In the past I was told my blogs are too long, I write too much about sports and recently my post volume has decreased too much.

Sorry on all accounts. I’ve had a busy month and didn’t post as much. I am long winded and often get detoured in my own writing. I like sports and as part of the sports media, from time to time I have to write about it.

However, I will try to improve in whatever ways I can and hopefully make the Blog Alliance as powerful as the Rebel Alliance in Star Wars, but not the Weezer Rebel Alliance because Weezer sucks now.

Godspeed. This is AZ signing off.


Anonymous said...

This is a comment by EKG:

I'm not putting my name before my posts because that is redundant. if you want to know who is posting scroll down three inches and find out.


Anonymous said...

that's what i had said. but emily is a journalist and smarter than me.

Anonymous said...

i love ekg by the way. i can explain ekg's to you if you'd like.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, who wants to scroll to the end before reading a blog. We all learned in elementary school we read left to right, top to bottom. If I wanted to read bottom to top I'd move to a different country where that is the norm. Also, I have heard from many other loyal blog readers it would be convenient to have the author's name in the title. Therefore, I still contend initials should be included in the heading of the blog.

JC said...

Seriously, I didn't think it was that big of a deal. If you have a problem, you I'll solve it, check out the hook while the DJ revolves it.

Unfortunately, the problem is inherent in the blog template. If you have such a big fat problem with it, you should come up with your own template format. I would be happy to implement it into The Blog Alliance.

I would also like to call you out on the part about hearing from many other loyal blog readers it would be convenient to have the author's name in the title. I haven't heard anything other than one complaint. I was not aware of a grapevine of feedback / complaints regarding the blog. If there is one, dial me in. Otherwise, as one of the founding fathers of The Blog Alliance, I will accept petition on the part of the many other loyal blog readers who are terribly inconvenienced by the format of this work in progress.

Anonymous said...

By loyal blog readers I meant Otto Zillgitt, Brooke Pedersen, and Jeni McEvers and myself. I was just the spokesperson for all of us. But, obviously, if it is that big an inconvenience, we will scroll down to the bottom to see who posted the blog. It really isn't all that big a deal.

JC said...

To Emily and the legion of loyal blogalliance readers. I apologize for my prior comments. I was having a very bad day and took it out on Emily. Emily, you were a scapegoat. I am sorry. I will add a few more drinks onto the list that I owe you. You are going to drink free for a month with me at this rate.