Friday, April 28, 2006

In Memorial

There has been one week of silence on the TheBlogAlliance as well as MyLifeAfterPaintChips.

After the tragic death of Chris Carducci last Friday morning, the world seemed to stop. All trivial things seemed to disappear, as the reality of such a devistating event sunk in. I talked to people I haven't talked to in a long time to deliver the terrible news. Each time it got harder and harder. Eventually there was a transition from disbelief to the sadness and darkness created from the void in our lives.

I personally have a lot of memories about Chris, mostly from our younger years. The first thing I thought of when I was driving home after hearing the news was of playing hockey in the street in front of the Carducci house. My emotions got the best of me as I was driving home. There were summers where seemingly everyday we would play hockey. Even after the net was mysteriously broken, we made do.

I also thought of the teasing of Ray down the street in our childhood. Oh, the elaborate scheme of the mafia moving in on Ray was ridiculously funny. Maybe teasing Ray wasn't the best thing to do, but it was all in good fun.

I also remember the short stint of Chris being up at MSU. The few times that I got to hang out and go out with him in East Lansing were tons of fun that I will not forget. The two times that I was down at Bowling Green with Dave to hang out were also good times.

I also remember the many occasions that I spent time at the Carduccis' house. Dave and Chris would play the piano and sing for hours on end. He was also a wonderful trumpeteer (if that is what it is called). It was all very amazing to me. Luckily, I was fortunate enough to see Chris in action when I went to see "The Marriage of Figaro". Chris was as musically talented as anyone whom I have even known. His voice will never be forgotten.

It was evidenced at his services in Monroe this week that everyone who came into contact with Chris was touched in one way or another. Whether it was by his infectious personality, his fun-loving attitude, or his many gifts and talents, in one way or another Chris was someone special to everyone. I have never seen a funeral service that was more emotional, beautiful, and powerful. The Bowling Green Men's Chorus was so wonderful and powerful that it was hard to take, even during their rehearsal before the service. The Ave Maria was one of the most beautiful pieces of music that I have ever heard, period. David's memorial was also very powerful. I took the message of attitude very much to heart. I commend him for his inspirational words and a delivery that was so strong it was unbelievable. David has a gift as well, that I am sure the world will see soon enough as well. Although it was one of the saddest and hardest thing emotionally that I have ever dealt with, I left with a feeling that everything was going to be OK. The performance of Johnny Schmoker at the end surely left Chris smiling.

It helped that there was a host of friends both old and new all there for each other as well as David and his parents. It was wonderful to see everyone, and a huge reminder that friendships are forever, so there is no point in taking them for granted and not keeping them up. Without the support of friends, this tragedy would have been nearly impossible to handle. Thank you everyone!

It was very hard to leave Monroe and try to get on with "normal life". I personally wasn't ready for it, but had no choice. I am just glad that I was able to make it to be there for David and his parents. Chris will never be forgotten by anyone who knew him. Likewise, no one who knew him will ever be quite the same. Unfortunately, he was taken before his time. Not just those who knew and loved him, but the whole world lost an amazing man. Who knows where his career and talent would have taken him. Regardless, it is undeniably true that he has and would have inspired any who crossed paths with him through music or life.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for making me smile this week. Even if i didn't 'dress for the occasion.'

JC said...

Ha Ha. You looked very nice. It was good to see you. I am glad I could make someone smile during terribly sad times, even without a heart.

Anonymous said...

great post. everyone looked nice and everyone has heart...except the 2005-2006 spartan basketball team.

on a serious note though...chris was someone i looked up to. i wish i had a 1/1000000 of his musical talent and he was one of the funniest if not the funniest person i have ever known. he was a great person and will be missed by so many people.

great blog, but i still can't believe this is real. it's too fucked up.