Monday, August 13, 2007

A Real Life Rock Star

This week has been filled with numerous shopping trips to try to find the perfect outfit for Dave. He is scheduled to be in a photo shoot tomorrow morning at 7 (which is almost laughable) with his new band he is performing with.

Finally the ensemble is complete.

The theme turned out to be very Chris Robinsonish. It was mentioned by a female friend that Chris Robinson doesn't make the girls swoon (because he looks dirty and smelly). I think she is blatantly wrong. Dave and I both have personal proof that is in fact incorrect.

And check out these freaking shoes!

We also tried to get him in the role with being young punks. After a night of cosmic fog bowling...............................

We went back to the crib and played as a quartet until the neighbors started banging on the walls. Apparently electric guitars are especially loud when the amp is leaned against the wall and it is 2 am. Who knew?

All the while, Sigmund is indifferent.

I wish Dave luck, since he even went to the lengths of tweezing his eyebrows. He is well prepared. Now all he has to do is wake his ass up at 5:30 and get out the door.

One last one for good measure! That is one rockin' mofo.