Sunday, April 16, 2006

Hot Hot Hot!

Easter Sunday has come and gone. No easter eggs, no candy, no big deal. It was a very quiet day today. I needed it.

It was also ridiculously hot outside for the middle of April. In fact, it was record heat today. 92 was the previous high in Dallas for this day back in 1920, and 94 was the previous record on Easter in 1936. 95 is what we topped out at today. Some of you in Michigan may think that is crazy. Well, tomorrow is supposed to be 97 and Tuesday is 95. Even I, who have lived here for 11 months, thinks that is a little crazy.

I only have one notable story from today. Now, looking back, it is funny, but it almost landed me in jail. I was at the local Kroger, hobbling around and trying to pick up a few things. I am walking pretty well these days, but if I am walking a lot, I take it slow. There was a pissed off older lady following me around. She saw me hobbling and kept gruffing and making noises like I was holding her back. She could have easily went around me. Instead, when she finally can't take me anymore, she rams her cart into my boot thingy. I almost cold cocked the bitch. I swore at her, and I swore a lot. There were no kids in my aisle, but I am sure there were some in the vicinity of my swearing. I am afterall, not the quietest kid in the world.

I let her have it. Some how, I fought back the assault and battery charges. Somehow.

It sneaks into my top 5 people I wanted to kill. I had to take a Vicodin for the first time in about a week. It feels fine now. I am over it almost completely. That effing bitch! Ok, now I am over it completely.

1 comment:

JC said...

That would have been perfect. It is too bad I wasn't in a DJ Jazzy Jeff frame of mind. I could've given her a little "hit me again and I'll break your wrist".