Friday, February 23, 2007

The Wednesdees!

The Wednesdees! Tonight!

The show is at The New Way Bar, 23130 Woodward Avenue, Ferndale, Michigan 48220.

Rock n roll all right!


Anonymous said...

so are you alive andy?

Anonymous said...

yes. alive with consequences. are you alive?

Anonymous said...

why would you guys not be alive?

thanks for the support. way to piece those photos together. I don't even know when those were taken. you're so rad!

my car died yesterday after the ghetto. I am sad. maybe she'll be okay..I don't know.

Anonymous said...

i took those one night when we were just hanging out your place. i have some other pictures from then if you'd like. for some reason i find it necessary to have a camera everywhere i go. i'm really excited for the show tonight.

emily was at no risk of not being alive, except in her dream. i on the other hand...i'm just an idiot.

sorry about your car. was it killed by a rival car gang in the ghetto? where were the police to help you this time?

Anonymous said...

It just stopped working. It's funny that you mention police. I counted at least 11 cops drive by me without even so much as glancing over at me, let alone stopping. state and local. what a bunch of assholes. however, a very concerned lady stopped and said she had driven by me earlier so she went home and got a gas can for me, and offered to give me money and everything. It was a nice thought but didn't help. I appreciated that. so...fuck you, police...thank you kind citizen. once again supporting my hypothesis. good thing I didn't have to rely on the government to tow my car and have it repaired.
end rant. remove chip from shoulder.