Saturday, February 24, 2007

The New Way Rocked in an Old Way

“So basically we’re sixties garage rock. How many bands do that?” drummer Matt Sawicki asked last night during The Wednesdees inaugural show.

Sawicki’s rhetorical question was right on. There are not a lot of bands playing sixties’ covers like The Wednesdees and even if there were, they would not play as well or be as entertaining as The Wednesdees were last night.

Pronounced the “winds – dees” (“like the way old people say it [Wednesday]”), the band is comprised of Sawicki on drums, Jason Barthlow on bass/backing vocals and Jacob Longton as the lead singer/guitarist.

The set opened with a rocking version of Stepping Stone by the Monkees and concluded with a crowd favorite Gloria by The Shadows of Knight. In between The Wednesdees put their own touches on Cinnamon Girl by Neil Young and Hey Baby from Dirty Dancing; the latter brought the crowd together yelling and singing, “Hey baby,” while the former moved some older couples to get up and dance. At one point an impressed, older bearded gentleman dropped $25 onto the stage.

The New Way Bar in Ferndale, Mi was the perfect venue for this young band to debut. It was filled with a large, diverse crowd and the sound of The Wednesdees translated very well in this environment. If one was hallucinating, or just sick from an upper respiratory infection, they may have thought they were back in the sixties when the music was humble, emotional and not manufactured for target audiences like today’s pop music.

The Wednesdees put their own signature touch on each song they played. Barthlow has only been playing the bass since November 2006, but you would not be able to tell after his performance last night. Longton’s Telecaster and overdrive through his Fender amp produced a sixties’ feel, but with a unique new twist. The vocals and mix were outstanding and Sawicki’s mini-drum solos at the end of some songs illustrated how talented he has become behind the traps.

It was a fun night filled with music from a time when music was great. Sawicki, Barthlow and Longton have created an entertaining and talented new band by recycling the excellent music from the sixties. The Wednesdees made each song their own and yet one knew exactly from where the song came. Hopefully The Wednesdees will rock another “Fridee” real soon.


JC said...

Garsh Darnit! I wish I would have just sucked in my vagina and driven out there. What is the worst that could have happened? I could have fallen asleep behind the wheel and went into a guardrail. It is survivable and probably would have woken me up enough to make it the rest of the way there.

az said...

it is survivable. i've been there. chris and sam too. i don't recommend it, but you can do anything if you put your mind to it, go for it, get down and break a sweat. rock n roll, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Anonymous said...

are their any bootlegs available? I took a straw poll, and people want their ears to witness The Wednesdees.

Anonymous said...

what the fuck is a straw poll? i too would like to have a copy of some of the songs. next time there will be sound and video for those who could not attend.

Anonymous said...

From Wikipedia

A straw poll is an informal type of voting where the results of the poll have little or no direct results, other than to gauge opinion. Straw polls are commonly used in American political caucuses, where the primary goals are to select delegates and vote on resolutions. The results of the straw polls may or may not influence the delegates as they participate in political conventions after the caucus.

Straw polls are also used to pre-select the future U.N. secretary general before a formal vote takes place.

This idiom alludes to a straw used to show in what direction the wind blows, in this case the wind of public opinion.

Anonymous said...

thanks. wikipedia is way smarter than me. you are too.

Anonymous said...

are the wednesdees going to play another show anytime soon? i'd like to see one.

Anonymous said...

we don't have any other shows planned, but you will be informed if there is one. thanks again for everything, az.

jc, although falling asleep at the wheel and hitting a guard rail is survivable, as proved by az, it is not recommended, and seeing the wednesdees would not have been worth the trouble.

JC said...

I disagree. It would have been worth it. Totally! Considering what I ended up doing Friday night on the contrary, even death would have been a welcome alternative.

Anonymous said...

It's not that the Wednesdees weren't worth it. It's just that the other three bands ranged from sucky to kinda sucky.

Anonymous said...

and somebody from one of those sucky bands has my amp pedal. now that's sucky.

Anonymous said...

are you serious jacob? that's damn stupid. morgan we have some work to do.

Anonymous said...

yeah, it was my fault though, for leaving it lying around. however, I would be flattered if you and the muscle broke some knee caps.

Anonymous said...