Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!

First of all, if you are going out anywhere to celebrate the passing of the old year, please be safe. There are crazy people out there!

Last night Dave and I were waiting outside of Spaceland (also known as Space Mountian, simply because I deemed it that) for Renee. Up rolls a super nice Infinity SUV. I thought it was odd and a little out of place. The doors open and the smell of marijuana wafted by. Dave and I look at each other to confirm who was standing in front of us. It was former Black Crowes lead singer, Chris Robinson. He looked so cool, and we both agreed that we were happy that he was rocking out a super sweet beard. I wish I could have a super sweet beard. Is it possible to make that a New Year's Resolution? My baby face will not allow for it, but if I try hard enough....oh well, I will fail.

Anyways, I felt bad for him because of his recent situations. But, besides the fact that he had a plethora of marginal weirdos approaching him, he and his six six irish/jewish/amish friend / bodyguardish acquaintance seemed to enjoy the Space Mountain.

The first band left a little to be desired. Namely, they should have appeared interested to be there. Oh yeah, they should also work some vocals into their set.

The other band, The Modern Canon was excellent. Their stage presentation left a lot to be desired, as they had three members on horns and brass, two drum sets, a fronting keyboard, bass, and acoustic guitar. They all were wearing pretty sweet suits. They lived up to their presence and were a fun band to watch. Good vocals and sound. I was really glad Dave took me out there.

Now, it is New Years Eve. There is a party out here for me to rock the house at. I am getting excited, especially for me kick ass new pants. Although, I haven't found the perfect shirt ensamble to go with it. That is nothing that a quick trip to Glendale can't fix. Oh yeah, I can take you for a real good meal in Glendale too. Whatever.

Be safe and happy everyone.

P.S. Andy you are not weak, so stop it.


Anonymous said...

i'm a little disappointed that this blog hasn't solicited a response from anyone. i, for one, thought that it was awesome that we saw Chris Robinson and his irish/jewish/amish bodyguard. and yes, the modern canon was quite impressive. long live space mountain.

JC said...

Long live space mountain indeed. Theblogalliance willingly accepts apothy.

Anonymous said...

i spoke via text (i found the one you sent, i actually saved it) and while i drove to a new year's eve party. so i have a semi excuse for not commenting. but, i don't know what other folks reasons for not commenting are. perhaps the holiday season? maybe the blog alliance is boring now? hmmm.....

Anonymous said...

one thing i've learned, Dave, is that no one else can truly appreciate a celebrity siting but you, the siter. like when i met paris hilton, that was sweet.