Sunday, December 10, 2006

Weekend in review

This weekend was much different than the last. The last one was ridiculous and ended up being negative. This weekend started out ridiculously, but it ended up very well.

I was heading down to my parents' house to visit. First, I had happy hout to contend with. There was a decent showing of work folk, with my boy DShep coming back in an alumni appearance. We started out (and I thought finishing off at BW3 in Novi). It turned out to be a primer for the night. Some people had other obligations, and I was planning on going home early. That didn't happen.

It was off to this other place (I can't remember the name), still with a good crowd in hand. The shenanigans ensued. What do you get when you cross one guy and his girlfriend, four single guys, a lot of booze, and a bored waitress. I already said it....shenanigans.

One of the guys had something to prove. He pounced on two single girls as they entered the bar and sat down. That is not my approach, so I sat back and let it unfold in front of me. Well, as I would have guessed, nothing unfolded. He then proceeded to say that they are crazy and probably lesbians. It was funny, but untrue.

Then, there was a bed. DShep bet the failed gentleman that those two girls would be at our table by the end of the night. I didn't care either way, because neither one really piqued my interest. DShep worked his magic. He is very charismatic. In no time they were at our table. The one girl there was interested in DShep. The other seemed uninterested in anything. As some time went by, I was beginning to wonder if she really was a lesbian. Then I realized that the problem was not her sexual orientation, it was me not trying.

It hit me, and I decided to be a little more forward and outgoing. In a matter of seconds, everyone was wowed to the fact that she certainly didn't act like a lesbian anymore. In fact she was nice. Really nice. A pre-school teacher to boot. She threw out signal after signal and even the obligatory hand on the leg. How cute!
Anyways, when they finally turned on the lights and kicked us out of the bar, we took our respective lady friends home. I would like to have a huge crazy story about how the night ended, but I am not ready for all of that in my life yet. God darn Rachelle has still ruined my life in that respect. Soon though. Soon.

I then (in not the best judgement I have ever used) drove to my parents' house at 3AM. I wasn't too bad alcohol wise, but I was exhausted and falling asleep on the road. At one point, there was something huge in the road on 275, and I didn't see it (because I was sleeping) until it was too late. I ran over it (I think it wa a big concrete chunk, or something). I was waiting for my car to break down or the tires to deflate. They didn't. I made it home at 3:40. Much to my surprise, my mom was up on her computer. So, instead of sneaking in and catching some zzz'z on the couch, I went and talked to her for an hour and a half. All the while smelling of stale beer and cigarettes.

My sister and her husband were there, so I was awoken at 8:15. I was not happy yesterday, until the Spartans started to play well against the Cougars. I then proceded to go to sleep shortly after nine.

There are a few morals to my story. One, that there are still good looking girls out there who like fat kids, if the fat kids are nice to them. Two, that I am almost over anything and everything about my former relationship. Three, with that in mind, is there going to be some man-whoring? Four, no, I am too old for that. Five, I had fun, but not so much fun that I can't go to work on Monday, like last week. Six, I wasn't retarted and mean to anyone. Seven, I am shutting the f*^k up right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...everyone was wowed to the fact that she certainly didn't act like a lesbian anymore...

that was my favorite line of the story. i'm glad this weekend was better. sorry i didn't join you on friday night. i got a late jump on things (not my fault either) and then i didn't know where ya'll were going.

i'm glad to hear about moral number two of the story. that's good stuff. as for moral number four, i don't condone man-whoring, but i don't condone feeling like shit after a relationship. although the latter is much harder not to do.

good weekend...and the spartans won without joseph and morgan. not too shabby.