Sunday, January 07, 2007

One Week In

We are one week into the great year of 2007. Already, it is better than I could have imagined. Although the last few weeks of 2006 were already pointing toward that direction and I could see that a change in mind and soul were imminent. There wasn't any specific events that occurred that changed me, but rather a series of changes that my mind recognized and is accepting as reality.

2007 seems like a clean slate for me. Now, although all of the pressure is on me, if I mess this year up, it is because of something I did, not because of external forces and people. I thought for a long time that an empty place would be forever in your heart when someone you love extracts themselves from your life. I thought that abandonment would stand guard outside of your heart to ensure that the vacant space would never be filled again. Boy, was I wrong. Although a small amount of that space fills itself in with memories, the rest of the space fills in with millions of other things, if you allow it. Anything from family to friends - new and old, to the undeniable happiness you feel when you are breathing the ocean air and driving through the mountains. Coupling those things with the fact that a new job takes out all of the lingering stresses and memories of the old job makes it even better. Although physically, I am in a place of lesser beauty for the time being, I can open my eyes and find the beauty around me. It is there.

Basically, to sum it up, my soul is cleansed. It feels good, like a monkey off of my back. Although I like monkeys, this one was not so nice.

On a lighter note, how in the world can the Cowboys screw that game up last night? Seattle had no business winning that game. It is ridiculous!

I have so many things that I want to do today, before work and reality rears its ugly head tomorrow. I should get most of them done but cant type bloggy blogs and do them at the same time.

AZ, I hope you are feeling better. Chris and Katherine, it was fun to see you guys last night. Irish Car Bombs are excellent!


Anonymous said...

im glad we got to hang out. and irish car bombs are yummy.

Anonymous said...

my n/v ended around 5.00 last night and my other gi symptoms are still there but in less severity. i had a headache this am like i was hung-over, except this time my dehydration was secondary to vomiting and not drinking too much. anyhoo, i'm much better. i only saw two people today with that stuff, everyone else was either cv or msk/neuromuscular.

el az would have been nice. sorry i didn't get to go. but i can't do irish car bombs...probably because i'm a pansy.

Anonymous said...

jon, i like where your head is at. keep it there!

Anonymous said...

peace is good.