Thursday, January 04, 2007

Beverage Battle '07!

Which beverage group will win the ultimate dominance of my refrigerator?

Shouldn’t I be reading or doing something productive?



Anonymous said...

those shifty bottles in the back are gonna come out of nowhere and bust themselves over a table and stab the shit out of all those flimsy cans. I might be wrong though.

Anonymous said...

i say, invest in some water and orange juice.

Anonymous said...

cans are filmsy, but can the bottles overcome their large minority.

orange juice has more sugar than some sodas. and i drink water out of the tap. probably 2.5 liters/day. i also get two pints of chocolate milk in the am at the hospital as well as bottled water there. so i do invest in other beverages, but thank you for the suggestion. i plan on grocery shopping this sunday. would capri sun suffice?

Anonymous said...

i vote the loser to be red bull!

Anonymous said...

those bottles look relatively intelligent. I think they will lay low while miller and mountain dew duke it out for a while; undoubtedly crushing red bull and killing off many of their own factions. then without warning the bottles will strike, destroying the remaining cans and claiming the top shelf their territory.

Anonymous said...

i think that is a fair and accurate assessment of how the war will progress. will the bottles be seen and treated as liberators?

yes, yes they will.

as for the red bull. crush its wings and then it's got nothing. it'll be out quick

Anonymous said...

it's hard to say how the general population will react to their victory, without knowing anything about the conflict leading to the battle. But it's safe to say that they will eventually be seen as liberators, because the winners of wars always get to write the history.

Anonymous said...

you sure maintain one neat and tidy refrigerator.

you should probably put something of substance i there though. perhaps oj like anonymous suggested.