Thursday, January 25, 2007

Little Black Backpack

Since I am not as smart as AZ, I can not discuss medical issues or politics. I have a dumbed down blog today about my life.

Stroke 9 is lame. As with any lame band, they had a catchy song. Anyone who knows how many albums that they have is more lame, they might have a real problem. This is a story about driving in a car with one of those people.

Last weekend I did a marathon of a drive. No, I didn't drive to California as I have before, or Seattle, or anywhere truly far away.

No, I drove to Mount Pleasant to pick up Brooke, back to Lansing to pick up a pillow and blanket to sleep with that Emily ended up using, and to the Gate. I briefly wrote about the experiences when we arrived to the gate. This is the prequel. (by the way, I believe that these actions stifle the argument for my abrasive personality).

It is a beautiful sunny day, which is rare in Michigan, especially this time of year. I should have known something was up on the first half of our 556 mile excursion.

We are heading south on 127 toward Lansing. We are having a leisurely and somewhat whimsical conversation. That's kind of the way I roll. We are making darn good time, which is the point of a long Michigan trip. All of a sudden, a blue Trailblazer starts veering into my lane. I thought to myself that he was just tired and crossing the line a little. Immediately, I realized that he intended to be in my lane, with me in it. I feel bad because I do not remember if someone was behind me. Since I was cruising at a pretty good pace, I doubt there was. I slammed on my breaks and layed on the horn, which is a rare feat. I got up on the rear end of his car and saw him looking at me. I gave him the finger. He waived at me with such a dainty little wave that was so ridiculous that it would have been comical under different circumstances. I proceeded to swear at him, out loud, as my body tensed up and a sat more upright, ready to completely express my dislike for this guy’s actions. Finally, he got over into the right lane. I pulled up beside him and swore at him, pointing and flailing, like a textbook road rage case.

I feel bad, because at first, I don’t think he realized what he did. When I initially let him know, with the honk of a horn, he acted like I was the one who did something wrong. That just doesn’t fly in my book.

As all of the profanity had left my mouth, he backed off in the right lane. I kept my speed in the left lane. He came up to a car in the right lane and needed to make a pass. I slowed down. In what is generally regarded as a dick move, this guy deserved it. I finally passed the car and so did he. He passed me on the right and we exchanged words and gestures again. I sped up and tailed him for a bit. Soon, we were flying down 127 at speeds in excess of 100 mph. I was right on him. Then, as I looked over at Brooke and saw the general fear of the situation on her face, I decided I would use a little sensibility and slow down. Before I slowed at all, the Trailblazer was gone. I looked at my speedometer and it read 103. He must have been going 115 or 120 to pull away that fast.

I resumed my normal speed, calming myself down and then sharing a laugh about the situation. Then, in no time, we were in Lansing. When I exited, I got all worked up again, as we saw a Trailblazer in the left lane, stopped at the Saginaw light. It wasn’t the same one, thank goodness. I proceeded to pick up my pillow and blanket, apparently so, for Emily.

The whimsical and random conversation started back up until we stopped in Milford. I wanted Starbucks as the whole day up to that point was exhausting. We walked in to the good graces of an angelic creature vacuuming the floor. Ok, maybe I exaggerate a little, who knew. Regardless she was the cutest and sexiest girl I have ever seen vacuuming. I suppose her bubbly personality that was a bit over the top is what topped it off for me. Brooke was sitting there waiting for me to make a comment. I held off as long as possible, but even before I got my delicious coffee drink, it was out there. We laughed, and continued on, high tailing it to Andy’s house.

I thought of stopping by Milford on the way back, just to see if it was love or not. (ha ha). I decided against it, due to the treacherous weather on the way back.

That is my story, and I am sticking to it.

(Sorry, no pictures today)


Anonymous said...

So, it was Emily's fault that you were almost run off the road...?

JC said...

no. It wasn't. i would have still been right there at that time, regardless if I was stopping in Lansing or not. it is my fault, because apparently I bought an invisible vehicle.

Anonymous said...

that story makes me laugh everytime I think about it, although it definitely wasn't funny at the time it is now.

Anonymous said...

there is nothing wrong for liking Stroke 9...

JC said...

If there is nothing wrong with it, then why did you remain anonymous, Anonymous?

Anonymous said...

great point jc. great point. i'm not afraid to admit it that i have that song on my itunes. but the band is totally lame.

your posts are a 100 times better than mine. mine are boring and stupid. and i'm anxiously awaiting to see how wins in your bean wars. that's good blogging.

Anonymous said...

Who's stroke 9? Never heard of them. Probably for the best.

Going over 100 on 127 is a pretty ballsy manuever. I've been tagged twice on that stretch. I kept on expecting your story to end with you seeing him pulled over. You should incorporate that next time.

Anonymous said...

we were hoping we'd see him pull over and then we could wave and laugh at him... but no such luck