Sunday, November 26, 2006

People are douches

If you know me, you know how much I think certain people are douches. Get me drunk enough, and there will be an incident of me calling someone a douche. It may be a fun scenario, such as the U-M v. Arizona basketball game. (By the way, none of us are classless) There have been other instances where bedlam came very close to insuing. I think a majority of these were directly related to instigation by Sammy V. Regardless, I think it is a lovely adjective, and a lovely phrase. (Not so much a lovely verb).

Last night, I was at the ESPN Zone to enjoy some overpriced drinks, foot, and the USC v. Notre Dame game. There were four guys who were Notre Dame fans sitting around me. We started talking to me and it was OK. Then something hit me. I sensed a twinge of doucheyness. I thought they were friendly enough, until they had two beers. Then they started making fun of me for my MSU shirt I had on. Um, last time I checked, you got your asses kicked, and then pulled some kind of miracle out of your TD Jesus. Oh, and by the way, coming back to beat MSU does NOT make you special. Check out our track record. Then, I bring up Michigan. They got destroyed. Then you add to the fact that they barely beat Georgia Tech, MSU, and UCLA, they were clearly overrated. At this point it was like talking to four brick walls. For the cherry on top, even with all of the interceptions and turnovers that could have made last night's game close, the Irish still fell by 20. So much for that one.

Now, I was a Notre Dame fan when I was young. I wanted to go there, but the application process was so hard that I dropped it. I can only imagine what the school would have been like. I can only imagine what these four douchebags, who went to IUPUI, and were Notre Dame fans by association got out of school, and in the future in life.

Oh by the way, New York is fun.


Anonymous said...

hey, iupui is a fine institution. not really.

that's my big beaf. you can root for any school, but if you didn't go there you shouldn't talk smack to someone who went to the school, i.e., making fun of msu's collapse against notre dame when you didn't go to notre dame and the person you're talking to went to msu.

i made that much more complicated than it needed to be.

i'm glad new york is fun. when do you get back?

JC said...

I agree. That is similar to the beef that I have with it as well. Sure, the loss to ND was embarrassing, but as an MSU Alum, I have a vested interest in the program. As an IUPUI dropout, you should probably be allowed marginal interest in Notre Dame, if that.

I get back on Saturday evening. Only one trip for work in December. I am on vacation after that if I can finish up all of my work. I wish I could actually go somewhere for vacation. Holidays make travel exorbiantly expensive.

Anonymous said...

except you spelled beef correctly. my dad pointed that out to me. i'm an idiot...or just can't spell.

i'm waiting on a loan because money is tight. i wish i could travel too. good thing i got a free phone, because i couldn't afford another. vacation will be nice. i have senioritis bad