Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Nein Lost, ein Problem; Congrats Pinckney Pirates

Ladies is pimps too, go on brush your shoulder off. Ooh ITunes mixing it up with some Jay Z. Nice.

Kohler has left the building. Building = Monroe. We’ll see you soon Kohler. Thanksgiving Eve is one week away. I suggest people prepare this weekend with some light drinking so they are ready for the level of intoxication the following Wednesday. It’s always good to be prepared.

It seems as if almost every discussion concerning sports has a negative tone. I’m not immune to this. I would wager close to 90% of my sporting discussions are negative, i.e., It Does Not Matter, the Lions are No Good. However, today I’m going to talk (really write) about a positive sporting event: Pinckney Cross County. The LP Michigan State Cross Country meet was held November 4th, and the Pinckney High School Pirates crushed an eighteen-year-old record held by Monroe High School. In 1988, a year after Todd Williams the future Olympian graduated, the Trojans placed 1, 2, 6, 7, and 23 accumulating 39 points and ran away with the state title. Pinckney smashed this once thought unbeatable record as their top five runners went 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9 totaling 27 points. Monroe runner, Cole Sanseverino, split up the Pinckney group placing third and the Trojans finished a respectable eleventh in the state. Monroe returns three of their top seven runners, but Pinckney returns five of their top seven and four of their top five. I never thought Monroe’s record would be beaten, but it looks like the only team that may beat Pinckney’s score will be the 2007 Pirates team. Congratulations Pinckney High School Cross Country team.

Speaking of running. Last Saturday I ran in a pair of running shorts with built-in underwear. I didn’t think it was cold enough to double-up with regular underwear, but it was cold enough. Certain anatomical areas were not pleased with my under-dressing for the occasion.

Speaking of shrinkage. I love Seinfeld. What Seinfeld episode is better, the Shrinkage episode, the Contest or the Marine Biologist? Here are some memorable quotes from the three:

Shrinkage Episode
Elaine: It shrinks?
Jerry: Like a frightened turtle.
Elaine: Why does it shrink?
George: I don’t know, it just does.

Contest Episode
Jerry: Men have to do it. It’s like shaving.
Elaine: Oh bologna. I shave my legs.
Kramer: Not every day.

Marine Biologist Episode
George: The sea was angry that day my friends…I looked into the eye of the great fish.
Jerry: Mammal.
George: Whatever.

I guess I like the Contest, but my heart is with the Marine Biologist. I don’t think it really matters because they’re all great.

Bleach is my favorite Nirvana album.

Es ist Mittwoch und Lost ist on dem Tele nicht. Sheiβe!


Anonymous said...

i was worried about my penis. i thought i could treat it like the rebels treated luke after he was found on the ice planet hoth. but i couldn't find the equipment to do that. i really don't run too well anymore, but i'm trying.

ich spye mit meine kleine eye something awesome.

Anonymous said...

i was just telling someone the woodruff egg story. that class was awesome.

Anonymous said...

"Marine Biologist"

Speaking of Nirvana, I read a piece today in the May edition of "Performing Songwriter" that questioned the suicide of Kurt Cobain. They listed all of the facts that I know you know, as well as some speculation based on facts. Included was Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth publicly stating last year that she believed that Kurt was murdered. The only thing that she left out was "by Courtney."

Anonymous said...

ah...nice. i don't think courtney did it personally. she was in rehab. but she had a role in it if he was murdered. tom grant, the pi, should come forward with his information and the case should have been re-opened by the seatle medical examiner and the police department.

i like the marine biologist. so good. so very good.