Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Lithium, Lost and Pooting

I’m so happy because today I found my friends…I’m listening to Lithium as I type this.

Sounds like an Arby’s night.

First is the worst. Second is the best. So it sucks to be number one. Nelly must have been wrong in his rap song. But wait, I read somewhere that second is the first loser. No fear! So I think it’s safe to deduce the following: second is the best first loser. Fear Nelly!

It’s windy.

I’m running in the dark again. That’s not a metaphor, but it could be. Nope, I’m just running in the dark again because the days are shorter. Part of me loves fall. All of me hates the looming winter.

I pass a sign on the expressway on my way to Ford that says, “I pooted.” I like it.

Thanks to the Humming Text Vessel, I was able to make a new CD with 100% new songs. Very cool.

I can’t stop being nauseous and vomiting. I will check myself into an eating disorder clinic Jacob. What’s a better diet: not having enough money to eat or just not being able to eat?

Can the Spartans beat the Wolverines? Nope. Will they? Nope. This is gonna be an ugly 49-3 whooping like at the end of the Bobby Williams era. Last week during the Illinois loss, the color man was calling John L. Smith, John L. Williams. Yikes!

It’s fun to see the Tigers in the play-offs, but it’s sad to see them tank it. Next time, Gadget! Next time!

Lost returns tonight. Although I don’t like ABC’s format with the scheduling of the show this year, I’m excited for the new season. I’m a Lostie.

Look around could it bring somebody down if I never made a sound again…oh Superdrag, how I love thee.

Happy birthday Jeni (October 7). And to all a goodnight.


Anonymous said...

next time?
they aren't done yet.

I feel like the diet question was directed to me. I will answer regardless, since I am obviously qualified to answer.

abstinence from food, whether due to monetary inadequacy or digestive disturbances will typically yield identical results with respect to weight loss and nutrition. I would be concerned however, with the latter, as it may be a symptom of a much more serious problem. You might consider consulting a physician...or an engineer(?).

JC said...

As an accountant, obviously I have a vast knowledge and level of expertise in the field of diet and nutrition.

In my experiences, it is generally a good thing to eat a little. Sometimes when I am travelling and feeling down, or ill, I will go days without eating. The problem is, when you start eating again, it always makes me sick.

What I take away from this, is that you should either just never eat, or always eat. Either way, a firm committment is necessary.

Throwing money into the equation messes up my result. The worst food (both nutritionally and taste-wise) is the cheapest.

What I want is for someone to come up with a magic serum that is a liquid or goes into a liquid (water) that will give me 100% of all of the vitamins, minerals, proteins, fibers, and other nutrients that I will need for a day, or even two or three days.

Anonymous said...

I concur with your conclusion: either never eat or always eat. pick one and go with it. I have personally opted for always eating. The results have been satisfactory.

admittedly, for my result, I skirted the monetary complication by performing a rough, post hoc cost analysis.

have you checked into fortified urine as an all encompassing nutrition serum?

JC said...

Fortified urine..... the thought never crossed my mind. I will look into it.

The only problem with fortified urine may be the taste or smell. Being rather inexperienced, I am not sure about this though.

Sometimes when I drink coffee, I think my urine smells like Cheerios. I don't think it is unnecessarily pleasant.

Another viable option and business venture would be to come up with a do-it-yourself lipo and skin graft kit. Then, you could be an always eater, have the money to always eat, and use the product you are endorsing to rid yourself of the results of always eating.

Anonymous said...


The satisfaction of an always eat diet, the luxury of a never eat physique and the wallet of a savvy entrepreneur. this is a flawless scheme with a win win outcome.

Anonymous said...

what a discussion! i actually ate and held down two meals today. although dinner was a bit harder. but i concurred it.

and cost isn't too much of an issue right now, but it will be again.

i trust both of your opinions. i think in time i'll feel better. thank you.

as for the tigers. great game. i listened to it via jon's texts. i didn't think they were necessarily out-played in game one, but it just seems like they didn't have the emotion that the damn yankees and ted nugent had. but i think game three is the most important game...obviously. i'm a dork, but go tigers!

Anonymous said...

i watched the game at home, listened to it on the way to my Dr.'s appointment and watched it in the waiting room of the office. and wouldn't you know it, they called me back when it was 4-3 and the bottom of the 9th was about to start. i tried to find out from Andy if they had won, but he was getting a hair cut. so i had to wait about an hour until i got back in my car to leave the Dr.'s office to find out that the Tigers were victorious.

Oh, and don't eat your urine. That sounds gross.