Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Let's Be Religious and Do It

Interest in me dissipated, all my methods antiquated.

Dear person from Ontario with the license plate AZKW 412, please don’t use your brakes that much on an expressway like the Lodge. There was no reason for it this morning. I think we could be friends and not exchange scouring looks if you didn’t drive like such a bagabond of douche.

JC’s last blog was hilarious. I also thought of another funny JC comment on my way to work this morning: “Take it easy knobby, handle with care.” Awesome.

Kohler, thanks for the kind words about the Alliance while we were at Beek’s. I’m glad you read it regularly and enjoy it.

Speaking of TBA, since EKG left for his post-modern/avant guard blog, I was wondering if there should be a third new voice to this site. JC thought it might work. What do you all think? Perhaps an essay contest is in order? Perhaps not…

Apparently Jeff Suppan will appear in an anti-stem cell commercial in Missouri during tonight’s World Series game. Wouldn’t it be ironic if he got hit in the eye with the ball and destroyed his optic nerve and the only way to repair it is with stem cells? Wait, that’s not ironic, I meant funny.

That was mean.

Ozkar thinks every cup in the apartment is his from which he is free to drink. So I have to drink out of sippy cups like I’m three again.

My Internet connection is pathetic and Geek Squad was going to charge me $159 to come out and look at it. They didn’t install it right the first time and that was $60 for about fifteen minutes of work. I told them to fuck off. Literally.

That was mean.

Today the conversation at lunch wandered into single medical students, which happens to be a minority to which I belong. However, the three other students there were also single. The two women believed a woman in medicine who is single is less desirable to the opposite sex (assuming they are heterosexual) than a man in medical school who is single. That may be true, but I haven’t had my soon to be doctor status pay off for me. After this, the conversation drifted into what percentage of Muslims, Presbyterians and Hindus are virgins when they wed. I don’t know the answer, but from what I see Christians like to have sex. Apparently so do folks from other religions. I was very quiet during the whole discussion.

I have been listening to Pinkerton almost exclusively since Dave and I jukebox dominated at Beek’s last Thursday night. The last two times I have been on big Pinkerton/Weezer kicks I ended up with a girlfriend shortly thereafter. Hmmm….

Let them both go at it, and see which one will win.


JC said...

How about everyone wins?

Anonymous said...

what he said.

Anonymous said...

i would love everyone to win. joel plaskett may feel differently

Anonymous said...

being mean is the best way to go in any situation. keep it up, it will pay off. and stop listening to Weezer already. jeeesus.

Anonymous said...

what the hell is wrong with weezer? ain't nothing wrong with with weezer. i'm listening to the pixies right now. is that okay?

Anonymous said...

wait a second, you must not want me to have a girlfriend. thanks