Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Chris was a little premature

The time has come to do a little planning.

There are two World Series games this weekend. One on Saturday and one on Sunday. Obviously since schools, works, etc., etc. interfere with party time on Sunday, Saturday is the day for a World Series party!

M to the Q is flying in from Colorado on Friday afternoon. I will be retuning from Texas sometime Friday afternoon as well.

I think that going to D Town would be a fun awesome time! Again, to reiterate Chris' concerns - driving, lodging, and attentiveness. If you factor money into the equation, it becomes that much more difficult.

I personally would be willing to stay relatively sober to drive everyone around. Afterall, the Tigers are 2-0 in postseason play when I am sober. I would only be able to drive so many people around though.

My goals of the weekend:

watching the Tigers WIN!
seeing as many friends as possible
becoming inebriated, if the situation allows for it
having joyous celebrations

I would offer up my pad, but I don't think everyone would be down with driving to Lansing.

Chris offered up his. We could do a little bbq, or have some Tiffany's pizza. We could have a plethora of drinks, from frozen and festive to ice cold beer. There are plenty of places to sleep. I think it sounds like a good idea, but what do I know.

Come one, come all (4 people who read this) and give up your suggestions for the weekend of the Tiger!

I want MQ and everyone else to enjoy themselves as thoroughly as possible. Help me help us make it happen!


Anonymous said...

sounds good to me. I can be a sober person too. I have a double wide motorcycle. my house is available too, as it always is. it just sits there waiting for someone to spill beer on it's carpet. but chris' house would be fantastic.

I can do a couple card tricks as well.

JC said...

The last time I was at Jacob's house, there was a campfire which almost spread into a forest fire. If fencing was a forest....or grass.

If I remember correctly, you almost lost a roommate and a neighbor.

In these parts, they call that no bueno.

Thanks for caring Jacob.

Anonymous said...

bbq, no one having to be sober, card tricks, tigers kicking some national league ass. all sounds good. i have a large supply of comfy sleeping areas for everyone. and i figured i live bet/ jon and everyone else.

p.s. thanks for making me a part of a blog title