Sunday, May 07, 2006

Eff It! I Quit! Who Cares?!

First of all, props to Andy for his last post. I was going to write a similar post earlier, but I am glad I didn't now. AZ did a much better job that I would have.

Now, down to the real business at hand.

I played basketball for real today for the first time. I screwed around in a game on Thursday just to test out the ankle and foot. Although I was scared, it felt pretty darn good. Today, I went all out. It felt solid and strong. It held up through the first hour. Going into the fourth game, something happened. Nope, it wasn't my ankle. It was my groin. I pulled the shit out of it. Either that or I have a hernia, I don't know the difference. I wish AZ were here to examine me and tell me everything will be ok. (ha ha) Regardless, I can walk ok, but anything lateral doesn't work so good. It is painful. I have been icing my groin for a few hours. Needless to say, some neighboring parts of my anatomy are not really happy with that.

So, here is the thing. I try to exercise. I try to work out. I try I try I try. It hurts like hell. For what? The person that I want to like me probably isn't going to regardless of whether I am in better or worse shape. So, what is the point?

I quit! I realize that letting myself go more than I already do will diminish my chances of having someone attractive in my life. I am ready to accept that. Maybe there are still a few crazy girls out there that would like to be with a fat kid. I will look, but not too hard. I won't hold my breath, because I need oxygen. So, attention chubby girls of East Lansing and around the country. Don't worry about those freshman 15, or any of those other pounds that you have been carrying since 6th grade. I'm yours. Maybe I can find one with some "inner beauty", whatever that is.

On a better note, the Pistons looked unstoppable, even after a slow start. Poor Bron Bron. He is going to become acclimated with hanging his head in disgust after the game. They look like they aren't even trying to be competitive. The court is a playground, and Tay Tay is our ringer.


Anonymous said...

jon, i'm there with you in spirit and i'm telling you your ankle is okay and will be in great shape for your return to mi. at that time you will prove how good your ankle is by dropping 3-pt bombs while i feebably attempt to guard you.

don't give up. don't ever give up.

Anonymous said...

thanks for taking that moog song off.

count me in for watching you hit 3s in front of andy. -c

Anonymous said...

"Don't give up. Don't ever give up."

JC said...

I can shoot like a deaf grandmother, with or without an ankle. It is strong though. Feels good!

The moog song was fun for about 30 seconds. I was going to leave it up there until someone complained about it. In a humanitarian move, I removed it without being prompted.

Jimmy V. is one of the most inspirational people, but I don't think his words can save me from my predicament.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.