Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Top Five Candies

I’m still trying to finish of my Easter candy. Did Jesus eat candy on the cross? Is that why the Easter Bunny gives out candy on Easter?

Anyhoo, as I ate my Willy Wonka Bottle Caps I started to think about what my favorite candies are. So here were my top five candies. (I’m including candy bars, which could be a category of their own. However, I’ve excluded bubble gum from this list).

5. Boston Baked Beans – I’m a big fan of peanuts…just ask Chris. These chocolate covered peanuts are coated with loads of sugar and have a unique flavor. It was one of my favorite candies to buy at Clark’s Market (along with a 16 oz bottle, that’s right a bottle, of Mountain Dew).

4. Gummy Worms – these are just totally awesome. In general all gummy candies are great, except gummy bears, which were forged in Satan’s candy factory. I would put the Spiderman sour gummies here, but they haven’t been around long enough and I can’t find them anywhere. So Spiderman gets the snub for the classic gummy worms.

3. Snickers – the best candy bar. Sure, Twix is two times as fun, but that also equals twice the cavities. Snickers have the peanuts (I like peanuts), caramel and a fantastic nuget. If you feel like increasing your risk for diabetes have a Snickers with a soda. I recommend a Mountain Dew.

2. Johnny Apple Seed/Alexander the Grape/Lemonheads – how did these candies get so high on my list? Well, simply because they are sugary treats. There may be a slight nostalgic factor in their placement on my list, because they were only 25 cents at Clark’s Market. I would regularly get two Lemonheads and then one Alexander the Grape and Johnny Apple Seed. All that for only one dollar! Take that 1-800-COLLECT!

1. Peanut M & M’s – did I mention I love peanuts? One time I kept eating peanuts even though they tasted weird. Turns out they were rotten peanuts and my body had to evacuate the toxins via vomiting. Oh the memories. I never vomited while eating Peanut M & M’s…wait yes I have. The stomach flu (gastroenteritis) was going around the Zillgitt household during the 1999 Final Four weekend. My parents called to inform me that they and my sister had had a nasty bout of vomiting on Sunday and Monday, and to make matters worse they had video evidence, via Molly Leask (now Tyner), of me running in the Naked Mile. However, Monday evening I was throwing up Peanut M & M’s and Faygo Red Pop so I couldn’t have been naked in Ann Arbor. I couldn’t eat Peanut M & M’s for quite sometime after that experience. But, separation makes the heart grow fonder and now I love to have Peanut M & M’s just about every day for a snack. Is that healthy? Probably not, but it ain’t too bad either, so back off.

Many other candies could have made this list. Bottle Caps, Runts, Sour Patch Kids, etc. But, right now these are my top five. Candy is great. What are your favorite candies?


Anonymous said...

i've never seen you eat a boston baked bean

JC said...

Hey Jeni, maybe Andy saves those for special moments when he is alone.

Wasn't the peanut vomiting episonde when you first spoke to Sam before rooming with him in college?

I love peanut M&M's as well. DJ used to have a picture of me at your apartment with as many peanut M&M's shoved in my mouth as humanly possible. Ah.....good times.

Anonymous said...

yes, that was the first time sam met me. and i love that picture of you w/ the peanut m & m's. glad to see you're back and logged-in.

peanut m & m's also can double as chill pills

jeni, as i think i mentioned in the post, i regularly baught them at clark's market. you never saw clark's market, but trust me it existed, just like my love of boston baked beans exists. and yes, you have seen me eat them. last summer i was on a mini-kick and ate them while i stayed w/ you at 444 division. i would eat them and watch the first season of scrubs inbet/ studying for my peds final.

JC said...

You couldn't tell by looking at me, bt I don't eat a lot of candy. My sweet fix is taken care of through two of my vices, Snickers and Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream. I also enjoy peanut M&M's as previously stated.

In the most underrated candy cateogry (which can spark a large separate discussion) is cereal. I LOVE cereal! Most of them are just as bad as candy. So, I guess cereal is my favorite candy.

Anonymous said...

5. Milky Way (I think I like nougat?)

4. Turquoise gummy sharks (meijer bulk)

3. candy corn (Actually I prefer Autumn Mix...the pumpkins are my favorite)

2. Mini Eggs (Cadbury)

1. Bonkers (discontinued)

Anonymous said...

Is crack a candy?

Rock candy? That's crack right?

What I'm saying is, Yay Crack!

Anonymous said...

very good call on the mini sharks from meijer. those are great. and i totally flaked on reese's peanut butter cups. those are awesome.

JC said...

I like Jell-o shots. Those are sort of like candy.

Anonymous said...

yes they are. i like them too.

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.