Wednesday, June 20, 2007

No TV and No Beer make Andy Something, Something...

I’m not much of a natural dancer, but I’ve got a friend who’s a natural dancer. You could call her a jumping bean. She’s got ants in her pants and she’s gonna dance.

So JC is now gonna represent a Western front in the Blog Alliance. Kinda like when this here blog began in March of 2006. Everything comes full circle I guess.

I don’t know what that means.

The New York Times recently had an article discussing the town of Porter, New York. This small farming town in Northern New York tried to expand their liquor license for a restaurant, but in doing so accidentally banned the sale of alcohol throughout the entire town. For some stupid bureaucratic reason, in order to expand the sale of liquor there, there must be five questions of 300 words asking residents how they feel about selling alcohol in the town. Apparently the wording was so confusing, the residents voted no to all five questions and now the town faces losing the ability to sell alcohol anywhere within the 37 square miles of the town. One general store in Porter relies on alcohol for 78% of its revenue. I could not imagine living in a town without alcohol or having to vote to expand the license to sell it. That’s one of the great things about Wyandotte, Mi (among many). I enjoy any town where the bar-to-church ratio is roughly two-to-one, 69 bars to 34 churches. Maybe the residents of Porter can come visit Wyandotte. There is an art fair here from July 11-14.

Wow that paragraph had many twists and turns. What I was trying to say is I like beer.

Speaking of July 14, remember the Berkley Front; Dave Carducci and the Wednesdees! Doors will open at nine and it is a very fun place to see a show. Great atmosphere for good rock ‘n’ roll. Also, mark on your calendars Dave’s other shows: June 30th, Café Classics, Monroe, Mi 7PM (get there early); July 3rd, the Modern Exchange, Southgate, Mi 8PM, $7; July 5th, the Downtown Monroe Car Show, Monroe, Mi 8PM; and July 12th, Frankie’s Inner City, Toledo, Oh, 8PM, $5. And the Wednesdees have a show July 7th, the Old Miami, Detroit, Mi 8PM.

Again that paragraph was very busy. For a good summary go to and

I officially start work next Monday. Yeah, I know it’s just orientation, but I get paid and just filled out my paperwork for all my health insurance. So lay-off me. I’m excited about it, but nervous about the hours. Anyhoo…enough about me.

When Lil’ Bush debuted on Comedy Central last week I was very excited. After watching it I was amazed. Not so much because it was really good, but just because it was very, very, very, very mean. Almost too mean. And I can’t stand Dubya. I’ll watch it again tonight, because I like seeing Dick Cheney bite the head off of birds and drink their blood (that’s probably something he does in real life), but damn is this show downright mean.

Michael Bloomberg, the Mayor of New York, cut and run from the Republican Party yesterday. He was originally a Democrat (interestingly because he has close to 13 billion dollars), but changed political affiliations in order to become the Mayor of New York. What a flip-flopper. He’s a very interesting man, and I actually agree with many of his politics. There was a nice article in Time recently about Bloomberg. You all should check it out if you get a spare moment.

Terry Hoeppner, the former head coach of the Indiana University football team, passed away yesterday morning after battling brain cancer. He was 59 years old.


Anonymous said...

go crazy?

az said...

don't mind if i do...

az said...

are you in alabama yet? or was it georgia? where was it again? are you there?

Anonymous said...

when i first read the last paragraph it read like you were happy that Terry Hoeppner passed away. "finally, he's dead." however upon re-reading it i see now that was not the case. i apologize for thinking that.....

thanks for the promo.

Anonymous said...

i moved into my apartment in georgia today, and the a/c isn't working. i may need to run to walmart and pick up a fan before i have a heat stroke.

az said...

i'll change that dave. sorry. i was just trying to wrap it up with a finally. stupid on my part.

sorry about the a/c, scott. i posted a bunch of the pics from your party on my .mac site...if you don't have them already.