Monday, June 04, 2007

I regretfully Inform you....

I can't sleep well. Maybe it is because it has been a long weekend. Maybe it is because I have to do one of the most dreaded things in all of professional notice that I am quitting my job.

I tried to go in a few times this weekend to break the news in a more relaxed atmosphere. Usually one of my two bosses are there for a while on the weekends. This weekend, however, they were not.

I have read that it is best to do this right away so that it is not on your mind, and everyone can move on more quickly. Unfortunately, by the time the dust settled, and I made up my mind of where my life is officially taking me, I had to wait the weekend out.

I hate the feeling of letting people down, as I feel I am an integral part of a professional team. I have read that I should feel empowered because at the moment that you give your notice, you are no longer an employee under your boss. You should be viewed as a tool to help a transition period in the company. Although I know I am replaceable, and that the company will move on without me, it is still not a very pleasurable thing to do. I am trying to do it the right way and offer my cervixes (services) for a month, rather than the customary two weeks. I half hope that they tell me to leave today and call it good. We will see.

I am anxious to get it over with and regardless if I get paid for one, two, three, or four more weeks, I am excited for the upcoming adventure that is my life.

Wish me luck!

P.S. My bruise from the slippery slipper incident has still not disintegrated. I think it is permanent.


Anonymous said...

So when is the big move gonna happen? We'll need to have at least one more El Az night before you head west. Good luck on the notice stuff today.

Anonymous said...

good luck!
i'm sure you'll be fine.

Anonymous said...

i concur all around