Friday, April 13, 2007

Two in a Day?

Yup. That’s right. Two blogs in one day from good old me.

So, the recovery period of a heavy night of drinking on a work night has passed. I am feeling back up to the upper ninetieth percentile of health. Drinking a closing bar out of beer and drinks is a fun fun thing to do. You should try it if you get some time.

In the midst of my recovery and uselessness at work today, I got an email from Verizon Wireless. It appeared to be just like any other notification that my statement was ready and my billing amount.

(Now some of you may know that my phone got stolen a few Saturdays ago. If you didn’t know that, now you do).

I opened my email to check what I would have to pay at the beginning of May. Much to my surprise, the amount due was $454. I was taken back a bit and proceeded to find out why. It turns out that in the time that I was trying to recover my phone; some douche bag downloaded a million games and other various things on my cell phone that apparently costs a fortune.

I called Verizon and spoke to a young customer support girl. She feigned concern and sympathy for my problem. She promptly told me that I was responsible for all of the charges until I reported it stolen. I pointed out when the insurance claim was made, etc, etc. I spoke to her supervisor and made a concrete case, proving that fraud occurred. He didn’t seem to care too much. I spoke to his supervisor. Finally, I got a woman with a little bit of sense. By this time, my case was air-tight. I won her over and got a credit of $390 posted to my account.

Boo-Ya. My day is not ruined.

Have a good weekend.

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