Wednesday, April 25, 2007

No Sports, but a Rant...Sorry

The raining always starts when you go away.

Okay, so no sports in this post. Here’s a little something for the ladies though…

Vagina junction, what’s your function? Taking in sperm and spitting out babies.

Or how about this: stop reading blogs and get back in the kitchen and make me some dinner. Dammit woman, I’m hungry.

No, I’m just kidding of course. Those are very sexist and insensitive comments. I was only teasing; I will try to be more receptive to other blogs and not just sports.

But I am hungry.

I hope things are going well for Chris and Emily as they continue through their hellish law school finals. Chris is just wrapping up his graduate training and Emily, well…she has a way to go, but hang in there. I can’t imagine having finals like they do. Good luck. Poor Brooke has to be getting close to finals too. I can understand her finals stress a little more since my med school finals were probably similar to what she has to endure. Hang in there, summer is almost here and you’ll be in Toledo for six weeks. Good luck to you too.

Everyone seems very busy at work. Jacob is working on Saturdays because he is doing so well at work and Jon was nice enough to cover for the tax folk at his work and now is playing catch-up on his normal stuff. (They really should be helping you now, Jon). Anyhoo, I’m lazy. I wish someone could be lazy with me besides Ozkar. Oh well.

The Daily Show was fantastic last night. The Old Bush v. New Bush debate was great with Old Bush giving a deadline for Saddam to leave Iraq and New Bush saying deadlines and timelines are not necessary and only aid the enemy. Old Bush said Iraq was a haven for terrorists and Saddam must be forced out, while New Bush said Iraq is so unstable now that the US cannot leave because it will be a safe haven for terrorists. Old Bush believed you could not have patience and wait for UN inspections; while New Bush has explained the US needs to be patient with the new strategy in Iraq. How about we all agree New and Old Bush are just ridiculously stubborn, ill informed and unintelligent.

Seriously though a deadline does not mean the troops need to be home on a given date. Why not set goals for the Iraqi government? They must meet certain goals at a given time and then we can withdrawal troops. If these goals are not meant then there will be repercussions. Shit, Bush and his neo-cons have had a greater assault on public schools that fail. If you don’t meet their stupid goals they will stop government funding. Why not take that badass approach in Iraq? The US does need a timeline and a better strategy in Iraq or the reports of nine GI deaths and 20 injured in one day will become a daily news report. It almost already is.

The US casualties in Iraq as of 4/23/07 were 3,333. The number wounded was 26,188 as of 4/23/07. And in April of 2007 1,298 Iraq civilians have been killed due to military action, This is unacceptable. There has to be a better way and that begins with a debate about appropriate actions; not blindly accusing anyone who questions this inept administration’s policies as un-American and not supporting the troops. Where’s Bush’s resolve for the sanctity of human life in the Iraqi War? Or does that sanctity only matter with abortion?

Okay, sorry I’m a little worked up and I don’t mean to stir up anyone else’s emotions. All of this frustrates me. Feel free to disagree, but if you do I may call you a terrorist. (Joking of course.)


Anonymous said...

on tuesday bush visited a charter elementary school in harlem to show how great no child left behind is. the charter school's students were passing the reading test with a 94% success rate, opposed to the 35% rate of other harlem schools. this charter school was on the fourth floor of a regular school. W met with them, but the "dumb" kids weren't allowed to meet him.

Anonymous said...

i don't know if i believe "Scott's" statistics. i think even if it were true, as soon as Bush left those children, their IQs plummeted.