Monday, April 16, 2007

Fell in Love With a Girl

Guess what? I got my haircut today. Do you know what that means? It means Jonny had a 80/20 chance of falling in love. I have always had a strong inclination for women who cut hair. Huh.......

This trip was no different. her name was Morgan. She was a girl, I promise. I also have a friend named Morgan. He is good people, so by taking the link between the names, she must also be.

She is not my "type" if I have one. I know that "Andy hot" exists and I have heard that "Jon hot" exists, but am not sure what that really entails. I digress...... I dug her 'tude and her few dainty little tattoos. A conversationalist she was. I also dug her earrings. That means something, right?

I have not laughed more than that in an hour and a half in a long long time. I left with a smile on my face, and it has persisted through a so-so post-haircut trip to Kroger.

I will most likely never see her again for the rest of my life. It is probably better that way.


Anonymous said...

while getting your hair cut in alaska might not financially, socially, or timewise make sense, i can assure you that you won't fall in love with whomever cuts your hair here. good call on the pb&j.

Anonymous said...

i don't really know what "andy hot" truly is, but i know there is a jon hot. this is not the forum to fully disclose the criteria for jon hot...what? sure it is. perhaps though in this criteria, maybe as a subclause or something, she works as a hair stylist. just brainstorming here....

JC said...

This is the perfect forum for discussing "Jon hot". I am curious, though curiosity killed the cat. Sounds like a good topic when the blog world slows down.


Anonymous said...

did you go to Douglas J? i miss their aveda goodness scalp massages. i could see you falling in love every time you go. i know i do.