Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The D - O - G

It has been a long time since I have posted anything to either of my blogs or even thought of typing MySpace into my browser. I have been ridiculously busy.

In case you have missed anything in the past few weeks, here is a recap:

It is guaranteed that I am fatter since the last time you saw me. That is even true if you saw me this weekend at Chris' party.

Chris' party was the bomb-diggity. The Tigers game was the best game I have ever seen in my life. Ever.

I am in New York. I am busy and tired and a little sick. Sick...and not from alcohol you say. Yes, I am afraid so, unless it was just something I ate. Hopefully it is the latter.

The Heat won the NBA championship. Who cares? Dwyane Wade can now get an even bigger head and the league can suck him off twice a day now.

The Tigers still are holding on to the best record in baseball. Who would've thunk it. It is about time all of those years of being a Tigers fan would pay off. Knock on wood, or wood trim, whichever is available to you.

Chris is getting married. For some odd reason, this doesn't even seem weird to me. It makes me feel a little older, but not weird. I would have guessed differently.

Finally, to keep with the blogging tradition of saying goodbyes to the fallen celebrities, I bring you the saddest news of all......

Eddie, (whose real name is Moose) the lovable and rambunctious dog from Frazier has passed of old age in the care of his trainer in L.A.

R.I.P. Moose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i hope i didn't get you sick :(

i started feeling it the first day we didn't go out. hmmm...go out and drink alcohol, feel good. stay in for a night, get sick for a week. i guess i must always go out.

how was da nico's?