Friday, June 16, 2006


EKG and AZ have a feud going on that rivals Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. Or maybe it rivals Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritche. Regardless, the common denominator is Paris Hilton.

The feud is good though, unless it comes to physical blows. I am sure that at drunken times it does. Hopefully AZ hits back. Regardless, both of them know the power of the celebrity feud and excitement it creates. Sure, some people may see ridiculous squabbling, but I love to hear the epic friendly rivalry that is EKG V. AZ.

I need someone to feud with. It would create a little more excitement in my life. Contrary to sometimes popular belief, I am a pretty non-confrontational person. I can step it up if need be, but overall I am serene.

There is no one in my life to feud with right now. The only former candidate has dropped out of consideration for lack of excitement and lack of overall interest.

So please, if anyone wants to start a new beef with me or even rekindle an old one. Have at it. I welcome any kind of confrontation that can come my way.

Thank You.

Something exciting just happened to me. I was just turning the shower off and the fire alarm went off. There were loud annoying sounds and strobe lights. I probably did what you are not supposed to do in a hotel fire situation. I very nakedly opened the door to check out what was going on. I popped out into the hallway for a worker to be standing right there to tell me they were just testing the system out. I apologized to him for having a towel in my hand and not completely over me. Don't you think they should get a memo out that there is going to be a fire system test? Oh well, I will take the tiny bit of excitement that it provided. I would have rather had a full blown hotel fire though.


Anonymous said...

Jon and I feuded for awhile, but that was kinda my fault.

Anonymous said...

Non confrontational? My man hands would have to disagree..

Anonymous said...

...and em, you don't have man hands.

Anonymous said...

this "hoochie mama" disagrees!

JC said...

OK - Sorry. What I meant to say is Wannabe Hoochie Momma.

Anonymous said...

yeah whatever