Friday, May 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Jacob!

Happy birthday Jacob!

I know the sun has set in the east. I know it's almost the end of his birthday, but...

Happy birthday!

On a side note, could ya'll send me your addresses to so I can send out some postcards. Thanks. I don't have Jacob's, Chris' zip, Morgan's, JC's, Emily's, Dave's, etc....

Don't forget the Wednesdee's on May 16 (Wednesday) at the Elbow Room in Ypsi. I don't have the address so visit their space on I look forward to hearing their first original, It's No Wonder.

Happy Birthday Jacob! 27, Yeah all right!


JC said...

Happy Birthday Jacob indeed. I can't wait to hear The Wednesdees in the middle of the week, 60 miles away. Rock and roll does that to me.

Hope you had a wonderful day!

testglobaltraffic said...

nice blog