Wednesday, March 29, 2006

This One Goes Out to the AZ

I read a story on this morning. I was going to post about my crazy night last night, but I wanted to get this out there first, since last night included topics related to this story.

Check it out!

I swear as much as the next guy, especially when alcohol is involved. It is not means to be insulting or negative. It is merely an expression of passion about something, hence the frequency of it during sporting events. I try my hardest not to swear around children. I always sincerely feel bad when there are children around and I am possible corrupting them. I will let TV and other folks (probably their parents) do that.

I don't see a major problem with profanity. Yes, you hear it all of the time. Most of the time it is by punk-ass kids who are trying to impress friends. I would love to knock them down a peg in their own little world, but it is not my place. I am sure many viewed me as that punk-ass kid at one point in time. They will learn, eventually. If not, it won't matter because they will probably find themselves in jail, where they will have to worry about a different kind of dirty mouth.

I swear most frequently in my car and at the sportsbar. There aren't or shouldn't be any nuns who get offended easily in either of those situatiuons. Of course, sometimes a random act of profanity is necessary. It keeps the world tilted on its axis. A prime example of this would be drivign home from the bar with Andy and Emily and rolling down the window to yell, "hey buddy, Fuck You!" to a stranger. Thats just how we roll.

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