Wednesday, March 29, 2006

This is Art?

There is a new sculpture creating buzz in the art world. It will be in Brooklyn's Capla Kesting Fine Art gallery in April. It is a life-size sculpture of a naked Britney Spears kneeling on a bearskin rug as she gives birth.

Now, I admit, I used to think Britney Spears was hot. That passed long ago. It isn't because of her beefing up for childbirth (which is beautiful, blah, blah, blah). It is because of many things and many factors thay I am sure everyone sees.

Seeing this sculpture though, makes it even worse. I understand the underlying pretenses here. It is a pro-life statement that doesn't resort to showing bloody and disturbing images of abortion. Kudos there, but is this much better?

This is a quote from the press release of Daniel Edwards' "Monument to Pro-Life: The Birth of Sean Preston":

"'Monument to Pro-Life: The Birth of Sean Preston', believed Pro-Life's first monument to the 'act of giving birth,' is purportedly an idealized depiction of Britney in delivery. Natural aspects of Spears' pregnancy, like lactiferous breasts and protruding naval, compliment a posterior view that depicts widened hips for birthing and reveals the crowning of baby Sean's head".

Take a looksy, see what you think.


pdburk said...

I'm not impressed with the "pro-life" value of this at all. To me it is just another vulgar statue which disrespects the un-clad female body. We don't need all those details to see that this woman is pregnant.

Britany and her disrespect for herself is a disgrace to anything that is really humane. I hope she grows up someday.

Anonymous said...

umm, i know i don't do ob/gyn until april, but i know the birthing position is not done doggy style with one's ass up in the air.

if this artist really wanted everyone to see the joy of birth, show a video of the family's reaction after a baby is born. i was involved with that during my neonatology rotation. that would show the art and joy of a birth much more effectively and can really skew one's position on pro-choice...a little, not a lot.

sometimes i think artists believe that art can be meaningful only if it is obscure or confrontational. that's just not true. artists who think that are probably pretty ignorant on the topic they are trying to discuss through their art.

on top of that, britany is a shallow, talentless person who was knocked-up by an equally talentless ignorant man. the birth of their baby is anything but beautiful.

JC said...

I am not artist so I probably don't know shit about shit. I think that with "art" these days, a lot of "artists" think that creating controversy will validate their work. This is simply not true.

This sculpture totally exhibits my point. It is not artistic, beautiful, or meaningful. To say that it has bearing on something as personal and emotional as life decisions is ridiculous.

The point of this sculpture was to create "buzz". When media and people in society start talking and little fuckers like me write blogs about it, the "artist" wins. Sorry, but you can win this time. Your get recognized as a pop-culture wanna-be whore.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was hot.