Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Weekend Update

The weekend is over. Yes, you say, but it is Tuesday. Well, it took that long to recover. I was able to work and everything normal yesterday, but there was something missing. I think it was my liver....and my soul.

In talking to AZ, I realized that I also feel like an old man. The tolerance and recovery to liquor is not what it used to be. Yet, I am proud of everyone, for making it all happen anyways.

Friday was the beginning of the end. I flew into Detroit at about 12:30. I made my way to the Southgate chapter of BW3. I didn't get Andy's message that I could pick up his apartment keys until way after the fact. So, I primed myself and had a few drinks. By the way, the waitstaff at the Southgate chapter is atrocious. I then received a call from DJ, saying he was in for the Tigers game. This was a pleasant surprise. Andy then called and said he was on his way home. I went to his apartment to meet him, but he wasn't there yet. I jaunted over to the Circle K to get some beers. It was going to be an old fashioned tailgate. Before I purchased my Miller Lite, I looked for a phone booth, so I could go back in time, but there wasn't one.

Shortly after cranking some Foo Fighters in the apartment parking lot, the calvary showed up. We were on our way.

On to the Tigers game. For logistics sake, we won 7-4, after being up 7-1. It was Dimitri Young's first time in the line up for a while. I personally didn't welcome him back warmly. From our ridiculously good seats, I taunted Dimitri with encouraging words about domestic violence, trade speculation, and even about his brother Delmon. I had to cool it off though, because the lady sitting next to me was concerned about there being impressionable kids around. I wanted to tell her to take her jacket off and return it to her local County Seat, but didn't. Instead, at Dimitri's next at bat, I simply yelled, "I have a general dislike for you Dimitri". I think that was appropriate enough. Long story short, Young had a good game. In his post game interview, I kept on him. He looked up at me and pointed. I admit, I was a little scared. Oh well.

Mario Impemba also enjoyed us, as he waved to us from the press box with joy.

After the game, it was to the bar. Although probably some fun things happened there, I am not sure. Since this is getting long, I will summarize: Beer, Jagerbombs, decline of everyone's well-being, sleeping in cars, public urination, vomiting, $46 worth of Taco Bell, eating a lot, sleeping. Meijer, blood pressure, donuts, milk, chocolate milk, football, broken toes, smelly DJ, shower, refreshment, Jacob, PBR, music, happiness, unhappiness, steak knives, severing heads threats, fire, dirty dancing, break dancing, capes, police, more fire, vomiting, birthday, sleep, Van Halen, pancakes, recovery......has anyone seen my soul?


Anonymous said...

I think you summed that weekend up rather nicely.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with DJ that is a great summary. I still have no voice and am still going through the recovery process too. I feel sorry for all those people who have jobs because I've definitely been sleeping a lot these last couple days to feel normal again.

Anonymous said...

i felt normal today...or more normal. whatever that means.

thanks for a great weekend.

i think the summary was sumtastic.

who is andy?

Anonymous said...

My neighbors throw rocks at me now.

JC, your soul is fine. They come with a 50 year warranty.

Anonymous said...

what the hell happened after i left?

Anonymous said...

Chris, thanks for cleaning up before you left. That was very thoughtful of you.

I think it got later and louder and smokier and it all came to screeching halt when three cops showed up. The next day, JD from upstairs expressed her disgust with our disrespect, and Clearance (my older neighbor) wouldn't waive at me. But they quickly forgive. Monday, Clearance and I had our regular talk about the weather forecast, and JD and I discussed spider silk and the architecture of their webs. Time heals.

Anonymous said...

And by waive, I mean wave...like with a hand.