Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I'm scared

I am always scared to make a post after Andy does. He is way smarter than me and knows everything about important things. I am stupid and fat and love my ignorance.

It was day 3 in Dallas today. It was kind of busy, but not too busy. It was hot as balls. 105 on the thermometer.

I got to play basketball with some of the old boys. I am out of shape now and can't shoot for a damn. I am confident however, that if I had a month to train, I would be back in tip top shape.

I had a nice mehicano dinner at the Blue Goose Cantina. I followed that up with the Tigers game at the BW3. I had only 5 large beers, so I went home to sleep it off. I can't though.

My mind is racing. I got stood up by a 85% gay guy, who I enjoy talking to, nothing more. My ex girlfriend bothers me. I drink too much. Etc. etc.

I am going to Waco tomorrow to hang out with the Scott Saenz. It is so very random and for very necessary. I have never been to Waco, but given what has historically happened there, it is my kind of town. I had a ticket to the Rangers game tomorrow, but who wants to pay $10 for parking to sit in the 100+ degree heat? I would rather spend the night in Waco, at the Quality Inn next door to the Hooters and see an old friend.

"hey Jon, look, I am in the tree".

"you girls want to have a train"?

etc. etc.

apparently people who meet me don't like me.

It is a Miller Lite man law. Thank god to the girls who promote that product. I will now have good dreams tonight.

goodnight to all, and to all a good night.


Anonymous said...

you are way cooler than me. truth be told, smarter too. and sexier.

Anonymous said...

that's messy and not true. also, 105 degrees would make my brain sizzle.

you rule, i drool

JC said...

The car was indeed in drive.

Safety? You are talking about safety? You should have seen the half drunk bottle of Grey Goose, three loaded handguns, and loaded assult rifle in the passenger seat. As if that wasn't enough, I had a hatchet in the back seat. Go ahead try to fire your tazer at me. I have a bulletproof vest on too.

Safety. You definately are talking about safety.

Anonymous said...

you are a great blogger. diagrams and figures are essential. how is one to trust the author of a blog when he states it is 105 degrees? with pictorial evidence, that's how.

JC said...

I am just trying to bring a little credibility to an otherwise equivocal world.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you got stood up because he realized you were straight. In which case it's probably better for you anyway.

And I love your Maurice Clarett analogy. No matter how much I question what I'm doing with my life, I know I'll never screw up as badly as he has.

JC said...

I am certainly not torn up about it. I had fun watching the Tigers lose their second in a row.

I try to keep up with current events and pepper my comments with them occasionally.

Anonymous said...

i have nothing to say, i just wanted to be a part of this comment explosion.

JC said...

All aboard!!!!!

The comment train is leaving town.

Anonymous said...

hell yeah!! when you double up an etc. you know there was just way too much info for one blog. way to circumvent a exceedingly lengthy blog with the use of a double etcetera.

Anonymous said...

from now on i will use double etc, because my blogs are way too long. or yadda yadda yadda

Anonymous said...

i'm with chris i just wanted to join the comments