Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Dwarf Planets, Bush and the News

My residency applications have been mailed via the Internet to the respective programs. I’ve picked-up the pace with studying for the boards. And now I don’t feel as guilty writing a post while my mostaccioli bakes.

I see the Ohio State University ring tones have been replaced by the death of Steve Irwin links. The OSU ring tones originally replaced the stroke links at the top of this page. How does that work?

My other blog, Leave of Absence, was created to fill the void of DJ’s Greatest Novel sabbatical. Now DJ is in full blogging swing again and the Blog Alliance is doing well. Hence, Leave of Absence is done.

Chris did an excellent job predicting how many points would be scored in the Big Ten on the opening weekend of college football. The Spartans messed me up…they should have scored more than 27 points. Oh well. So, what are everyone’s picks for the total points scored in all eleven Big Ten games? I say 408.

Jacob, for the life of me I cannot find Paul Richie and the Crying Shame song “Come Back.” Now I was kinda drunk when we were listening to that so maybe I don’t have some things right, like the band name or the song title. How could I acquire this outstanding tune?

Visit the Humming Text Vessel at Outstanding music.

I think Katie Couric is a poor journalist. I don't like her.

So I saw a commercial for the Butterfinger candy bar that has a chocolate-coated wafer. The girl in the commercial ate it, began having visual hallucinations and laughing as if she were stoned. I don’t want a candy bar that makes me stoned or gives me visual hallucinations…or do I? Nope, I just want the sugar.

Astronomers are real big geeks. The debate over Pluto as a planet is so ridiculously silly. I read one astrophysicist state the demotion of Pluto to a “dwarf-planet” was a triumph for science. Really? I think of scientific triumphs as something that will change or improve life, like the polio vaccine or MP3’s. The newspapers have had a lot of fun with this story too. I have read four different articles and all began with some sort of variation off of the innuendo, size does matter. The news outlets in this country can be really stupid.

Staying on the newspaper thoughts, I almost broke down and bought a subscription to the NY Times Select. I miss reading Maureen Dowd’s East Coast liberal elitism, Bob Herbert’s compassionate discussion of race and war, Paul Krugman’s economical rants and Nicholas Kristof’s rational political discussions. But, I can’t justify paying for them, when in the past I could read the Op/Ed section for free.

To keep a good transition here, I was reading the NY Times online (not the stuff that costs money) article about President Bush’s speech today. Maybe I am too cynical for a 26 y/o, but I have a lot of trouble with the timing of this speech. Bush wants military tribunals for terrorists at Guantanamo, so they can be brought to justice and the families of September 11th victims can finally have peace. Odd, the Bush administration has ignored several requests from the 9/11 Commission and at times has used smear campaigns against families who spoke ill of the GOP. With several news outlets indicating Republicans would lose the House and Senate if the mid-term elections were held now, Bush and his cronies reached for their trump cards, terrorism and 9/11. Bush’s shrewd politics are disgusting and it would be nice if his term were over now.

I cannot remember an end of August/beginning of September ever being this rainy.

My mostaccioli looks just about done, so I’m gonna stop writing and eat.


Anonymous said...

I hate Maureen Dowd. That's right, I said it.

Anonymous said...

i don't really like her either, but i like reading her pieces. she rambles on and on, never really supports her point and then closes with some odd sentence. kinda like how i write, but more talented.

plus she's kind of a bitch.

i'll be damned if you say anything bad about bob herbert though.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could respond to every topic, but I haven't the agility.

You are a studying machine!

Chris studies astrology, and looked to the stars for his prediction. He does not study astronomy and quibble about pluto's designation.

DJ blogged directly to me which made me feel special. thanks DJ.

Where is Ally Jon?

Andy, if I don't put that song on the humming test vessel in the next few days, I will send it to you, or something. You might try the cryin' shames.

Katie Couric Making out with Elmo...Sick!

It's raining mostaccioli!

Anonymous said...

thank you.

Anonymous said...

the stars say big ten 384 - opponents 358. the stars are in a defensive mode